- Log in to your account at https://app.syndicast.co.uk.
- Click on the “My Show(s)” button in the RADIO SYNDICATION section of the SHOW | PODCAST menu.
- On your show’s page, click on the “SETTINGS” button.

- You will be directed to your show’s data sheet where you can customize its details. Click on “EDIT SHOW SETTINGS”.

- To set up the RSS feed settings for your podcast, click on “EDIT.” Please note, if you want to change anything in the future, return to this location. Directories use these data for your podcast listings. If you make any changes after your podcast is approved, it might take a day or two for you to see the updates.

- In the pop-up window, you need to provide all required fields marked with an asterisk (*).
Please note your podcast listings in directories use these data. If you make any changes after your podcast has been approved, it might take a day or two for you to see them.
a. Bitrate*
Select the bitrate of the podcast. We recommend 192kbps so your listeners won’t need to use much mobile data if they are listening to it via mobile devices.
b. Episode delay*
We recommend that you give a few days of exclusivity for the radio stations. Here you can select how many days after delivering your episode to the radios you want it to be published on the streaming platforms/ in the podcast directories.
c. Category*
Select the category that your podcast fits the best.
d. Subtitle*
Enter the subtitle of your podcast.
e. Copyright*
Enter the name of the copyright owner of the podcast.
f. Author*
Enter the name of the author of the podcast.
g. Owner email*
Enter the email of the owner of the podcast. Make sure you have access to it because, when you submit your podcast to directories, they will verify you through this email address.
h. Keywords*
Enter the keywords of your podcast. Please separate them by commas.
i. Show URL / website
Enter the website of your podcast if you have one. Otherwise, we recommend that you use the URL of your free landing page provided by Syndicast after it was claimed.
j. Explicit Content*
Does this podcast contain explicit material? Select Yes or No.