Mire van szükség ahhoz, hogy fiókot hozzak létre a rádióállomásom számára?
You need to provide an official radio email address that is associated with your radio’s domain or is visible on its website/social media accounts, you
You need to provide an official radio email address that is associated with your radio’s domain or is visible on its website/social media accounts, you
Yes, you can. If you run an online radio station and want to get full access to exclusive singles from the biggest record labels, great
Nem, a platform és a szolgáltatásaink a regisztrált rádióállomások számára teljesen ingyenesek.
Nem, a tartalmaink a regisztrált rádióállomások számára teljesen ingyenesek.
No, it’s against our policy to re-upload content received via Syndicast to any other platform. Our content is solely for broadcasting on your radio station.
No, each radio station can only have one account. When you accept the Terms and Conditions, we provide a license exclusively to the radio stations
Yes, it is possible to add more people to one account, but their email addresses have to be associated with the radio’s name and/or have
To receive a radio show’s episodes regularly, you need to subscribe to it first. Once you are subscribed to the show the new episodes will
Once you register and log in, you will see the New Releases menu on the left. On the Releases page, you’ll be able to filter
Once you register and log in, you will see the Imaging Store menu on the left. Within the Imaging Store you’ll be able to filter
© 2024 Syndicast Ltd. Minden jog fenntartva
© 2024 Syndicast Ltd. Minden jog fenntartva
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