Mik a szindikált műsorok követelményei?
For the complete technical requirements, please visit here.
For the complete technical requirements, please visit here.
Yes, the minimum term of syndication is six months, as that is the minimum amount of time needed to evaluate how stations are picking up
We cannot determine the exact number of stations that will broadcast your show, as it depends on various factors, such as genre and frequency. Generally,
Currently, we are working with over 2,300 radio stations, and this number is growing daily.
We collaborate with networks and larger radio stations, smaller and medium-sized local FM as well as online radio stations.
The best-performing shows depend on current radio trends, the show’s genre, and frequency. At the moment, pop, dance, and electronic music are trending. As for
Each time you upload an episode of your show, you must include the episode artwork. While this can be consistent with your general artwork, you
Artworks are utilised by both radio stations and Syndicast to promote the show. They should be of high quality and tasteful, as they represent both
Make sure your descriptions are clear and well-written, highlighting what’s special about your show. This should grab listeners’ interest even before they hear the show.
An artist’s press/radio pack must be a .zip file containing: If these elements are absent, radio stations might resort to using outdated or irrelevant pictures
© 2024 Syndicast Ltd. Minden jog fenntartva
© 2024 Syndicast Ltd. Minden jog fenntartva
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