Important Notice:
Before subscribing, ensure the show is listed in your radio station’s schedule (e.g., on your website, social media, or app). Input this link in the “Publishing URL” box. If we can’t locate details about the shows you’re broadcasting on your page, your account may be suspended.
Step 1
In the main menu, navigate to the RADIO SHOWS section and click on the “RADIO SHOWS” button. Then, click the “All shows” button.

Step 2
On the right-hand side, you’ll see a list of all radio shows that Syndicast offers. You can filter this list by genres, frequency, availability, and more.

Click the MORE button (a) to view details like the show’s length, type, description, and the social media links of the presenter.

For additional details about a particular show:
Click the PRESS PACK button (c) to download a press pack. This pack will include the presenter’s photos, logos, biography, and the show’s artwork in an editable format (e.g., .psd).
Step 3
To subscribe to a show, click the blue SUBSCRIBE button (b).
Upon clicking “SUBSCRIBE“, a new window will appear:

- Start date*: Select when you’ll begin broadcasting the show. Future episodes will be scheduled from this date. It’s crucial to select the correct date. For instance, if you broadcast on Mondays, choose the upcoming Monday.
- Frequency*: Determine how often the show will air on your radio. For instance, choose “Weekly” if the show will broadcast at the same time each week.
Upcoming show schedule (this appears only if “Monthly” is selected as the Frequency): Decide when new episodes will air in relation to the start date. For example, if you begin broadcasting on Thursday the 5th, you can choose to air new episodes on the 5th of every month or the first Thursday of each month.
- Start time: Specify when the show will start on your radio.
- Publishing URL*: Provide the link where listeners can find the show on your website. This might be a direct link to the show or its schedule.
- Comment: Optional. Include any remarks or notes about the show.
- Declare* that the show has been added to your radio station’s schedule and that you’ll keep its details current.
Step 4
After subscribing, navigate to the Episodes menu to download the show.
Learn how to download a radio show episode