Syndicast partner Pocket Casts


Note before you start the submission:

  • You must have at least one PUBLISHED episode before you can submit your podcast and then get listed in any directories.​
  • Log in to your Syndicast account, go to your show’s page and COPY the “RSS Feed URL” of your podcast. (Make sure you copy the exact URL without spaces or any extra characters.) You will need this in order to verify that it’s your podcast.

Adding your podcast to Pocket Casts is simple just submit it here:

Once you’ve added it, you will get a Pocket Casts link to share with your listeners. It can take a little while before it appears in search so don’t panic if it’s not there instantly.

Promote your podcast with a landing page

The landing page feature is a free tool to promote your podcast and boost your chances of it being discovered. Make it easy for your fans to listen to your podcast by getting it on their favourite streaming platform. You can use it on any device: desktop, tablet or mobile.

Syndicast podcast landing page

Do you have questions?

If you need any more information
or wanna talk with us about any of our services…


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