How to get your podcast listed on streaming platforms

Podcast Distribution Syndication
Once you’re ready to launch your podcast series, your jingles are ready, your first episode has been produced, you need to find a place to host your episodes as well as create an RSS feed.

What is a podcast feed?

A podcast feed is a URL to an RSS (rich site summary) in XML format. RSS is a technology for announcing updates to a website, and XML is a format for creating content on the Internet.

To publish a podcast on Apple Podcasts for example, use a podcast hosting service such as Syndicast or create a website that generates a feed conforming to RSS 2.0. When you update the site that hosts your podcast, the RSS feed notifies Apple Podcasts that a new episode is available.”

There are 100s of directories but start with the four biggest to ensure good coverage across most of the places people get podcasts. They may vary because listeners use various devices on different operating systems such as Apple, Android, Microsoft, Linux.

Before submitting your podcast to a directory make sure your feed is valid and formatted for all podcast directories, you can use any of these:

Ready to start your podcast?

Let Syndicast do all the hard work for you. We not only host your podcast but do the submissions on behalf of you!

There are so many different platforms to host your podcast on but Syndicast stands out from them all. Why?

Through Syndicast not only can you host your podcast but with its automation you only need to upload the episode to their site and everything will be synced to iTunes, Soundcloud, Mixcloud, Youtube and there are further extra options such as radio syndication where Syndicast searches your podcast or show radio station that willing to broadcast it. Besides all this, there is a premium service that delivers your content to the most popular streaming platforms such as Spotify, Deezer, Shazam, Pandora, iHeart and many others.

Of course, without the premium services you can still succeed although your online presence will be slower to develop, but no need to worry! Here are some hot tips of places where you can submit your podcast!

These places do not host podcasts. You must host media files and RSS feeds on your own web servers or use a third-party host such as Syndicast. You can then begin submitting your podcast using your RSS feed URL to the largest directories and apps.

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