¿Cómo funciona la sindicación?

When a radio station wants to broadcast a show, they first need to subscribe to the programme. They must provide the broadcasting day and time, as well as a direct link to their website or social media where we/host can find the program. Our team reviews every subscription to ensure accuracy. Once subscribed, the radio […]

¿Hay un plazo mínimo de sindicación?

Sí, el plazo mínimo de sindicación es de seis meses, ya que ese es el tiempo mínimo necesario para evaluar cómo las estaciones están recogiendo el programa.

¿Cuántas estaciones emitirán el programa?

No podemos determinar el número exacto de estaciones que transmitirán tu programa, ya que depende de varios factores, como el género y la frecuencia. Generalmente, las estaciones de radio en línea son las primeras en suscribirse a nuevos programas porque tienen horarios más flexibles que las estaciones FM.

¿Qué tipo de programas funcionan mejor?

The best-performing shows depend on current radio trends, the show’s genre, and frequency. At the moment, pop, dance, and electronic music are trending. As for frequency, radio stations tend to prefer weekly shows.

What are the requirements for the radio show’s episode artwork?

Each time you upload an episode of your show, you must include the episode artwork. While this can be consistent with your general artwork, you may also opt to update it occasionally, particularly if different guests feature in your episodes. Remember that radio stations may incorporate their logos and broadcast times, then display the artwork […]

What are the requirements for the radio show’s general artwork?

Artworks are utilised by both radio stations and Syndicast to promote the show. They should be of high quality and tasteful, as they represent both the show and its presenter. The artwork must prominently display both the artist’s name and the name of the radio show. Bear in mind that radio stations may add their […]