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Note before you start the submission:

  • You must have at least one PUBLISHED episode before you can submit your podcast and then get listed in any directories.​
  • Make sure you HAVE ACCESS to the email address given in the RSS Feed Settings of your podcast in the Syndicast account.
  • Log in to your Syndicast account, go to your show’s page and COPY the “RSS Feed URL” of your podcast. (Make sure you copy the exact URL without spaces or any extra characters.) You will need this in order to verify that it’s your podcast.

Follow the steps in order to get listed in Podchaser:

STEP 1 – Create a user profile

To make your creator profile, you first need to make a user profile. 

You can create a user profile by going to Podchaser.com and selecting “Register”. 

STEP 2 – Submit your Creator Profile to Podchaser

After creating your user profile, submit your Creator Profile to Podchaser by going to Podchaser’s homepage and selecting the “Creators” tab. 

Fill in your bio to explain a bit about your background in podcasting and include a professional headshot. 

Remember, the point of making this profile is to promote yourself as a creator, not just your podcast (that’s done by your podcast page). Because this is your creator profile, you should use a picture of yourself; Podchaser won’t accept a podcast artwork as your profile image. 

After filling in the required fields, check the box that says “This is me”, and Podchaser will link your user and creator profiles.

What if somebody else created your profile? In some instances, somebody else might have already created a profile for you. If this is the case, you can claim your profile by clicking “Is this you?” on the profile page.

STEP 3 – Add your podcast feed

Once you’ve created your profile, you’ll want to make sure Podchaser knows about your podcast. If you’ve been podcasting for a while, Podchaser probably has your podcast in its directory. If it’s already in Podchaser, go to Step 4.

You can add your podcast to the site’s database by going to your profile settings and selecting “Add Feed”. 

You can copy your RSS feed link by going to your Syndicast dashboard > My Podcast(s) > RSS Feed.

After you give Podchaser your RSS link, your podcast is submitted, and it’s time to claim it as your own.

STEP 4 – Claim your podcast

To claim your podcast, find your show in Podchaser’s database and select “Claim this podcast”. Claiming your podcast will make your show appear on your creator profile.

Promote your podcast with a landing page

The landing page feature is a free tool to promote your podcast and boost your chances of it being discovered. Make it easy for your fans to listen to your podcast by getting it on their favourite streaming platform. You can use it on any device: desktop, tablet or mobile.

Syndicast podcast landing page

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