Can I have multiple accounts?
No, each radio station can only have one account. When you accept the Terms and Conditions, we provide a license exclusively to the radio stations you are registered with. It does not cover any other station or usage.
Posso aggiungere i miei colleghi al mio account?
Yes, it is possible to add more people to one account, but their email addresses have to be associated with the radio’s name and/or have to be featured on the website.
Come posso ricevere gli spettacoli radiofonici in syndication?
To receive a radio show’s episodes regularly, you need to subscribe to it first. Once you are subscribed to the show the new episodes will appear in the Episodes menu. You can download each shows is 320 or 192kbps mp3 as well as the episode artwork and tracklist. There is also a possibility to receive […]
Dove posso trovare musica sulla piattaforma di Syndicast?
Dopo esserti registrato e aver effettuato il login, vedrai il menu Nuove uscite (New releases) sulla sinistra. Nella pagina delle novità (Releases), sarà possibile filtrare la musica per genere, etichetta, ecc.
Dove posso trovare gli elementi di imaging radiofonici sulla piattaforma di Syndicast?
Once you register and log in, you will see the Imaging Store menu on the left. Within the Imaging Store you’ll be able to filter the content based on type, genre, etc.
Dove posso trovare i programmi radiofonici sulla piattaforma di Syndicast?
Dopo esserti registrato e aver effettuato il login, vedrai il menu Programmi radiofonici (Radio Shows) sulla sinistra. Nella pagina dei programmi radiofonici, sarà possibile filtrare i contenuti in base al genere, agli artisti, alla frequenza, ecc.
How to verify your radio station
To get access to all of our radio station content, your station must be verified by providing proof of your radio station license. The proof required is a document issued by your local music royalty collection society. This can be the first page of your contract or license, and it should include: If you use […]
Minimum requirements for registering for online-only radio stations
If you operate an online-only radio station and wish to gain full access to exclusive singles from top record labels, outstanding radio programs, and high-quality imaging, you must meet our minimum requirements. They are outlined below: Here’s how to upload the verification file.
Copyright collection societies by countries
COUNTRY COPYRIGHT COLLECTION SOCIETY WEBSITE Australia PPCA Australia ACMA Australia APRA Argentina SADAIC The Bahamas URCA Bangladesh BTRC Bolivia SOBODAYCOM Brazil ABERT Brazil ABRAMUS Brazil UBC Bulgaria CRC Canada SOCAN Canada CONNECT MUSIC Chile, Santiago SCD Columbia SAYCO Costa Rica […]
How Can I Change My FTP Settings?
1, Log in to your Syndicast account. 2, Navigate to “Settings” (1) and select the “FTP Connections” button (2). 3a, Click on the “pencil” icon adjacent to the FTP connection you wish to edit. In the pop-up window, you can amend any of the provided data. Once done, click “SAVE”. 3b, If you want to […]