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There’s no separate submission process to be included in Overcast. Simply submit your podcast to Apple Podcasts, and the podcast will usually show up in Overcast’s search within 1 or 2 days.

Overcast listeners can always subscribe to any public podcast feed by entering its URL as well, but URLs not known to be in Apple Podcasts won’t be included in search or recommendations.

Linking to your show page

Overcast’s web URLs for known shows in Apple Podcasts always take the form:

  • https://overcast.fm/itunes123456789

To find out your iTunes ID, you can look at the URL for your podcast in iTunes. It will be something like:


The number at the end between “id” and “?” is your iTunes ID, in this case 1143273587.

Promote your podcast with a landing page

The landing page feature is a free tool to promote your podcast and boost your chances of it being discovered. Make it easy for your fans to listen to your podcast by getting it on their favourite streaming platform. You can use it on any device: desktop, tablet or mobile.

Syndicast podcast landing page

Do you have questions?

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or wanna talk with us about any of our services…


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